田嶋健太郎 個展 10/26-11/2
〈暮色〉 2023 岩絵具、墨、金泥、和紙 190×334㎜ ©︎Kentaro Tajima
10月26日より大塚美術にて、「田嶋健太郎 個展」を開催いたします。
Kentaro Tajima was born in 1984 in Tokyo. After graduating from Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music with a major in Japanese painting, he has been presenting his works mainly at galleries without belonging to any artist institute.
Tajima's paintings pursue the sense of existence, presence, space, and time by using the colors and materiality of materials used in Japan since ancient times, such as iwa-enogu (mineral pigments) and gold paint. The production process, which is carried out by placing mineral grains on the paper as only mineral pigments can do, requires a thoroughgoing attitude toward the small format of his paintings. The repetition of this unique process, in which he paints and then washes the surface, creates a dense, multilayered effect on the painting that gives it a sense of tranquility, as if it contains the essence of time itself. Tajima is fascinated by antiquities, such as religious art and crafts from the East and West, and spends time with them as part of his daily life. The taciturn yet certain presence of antiquities that have been out of the artist's hands for a long time, and the faint hints of prayers and wishes that remain in them, are what attract the artist, and his paintings are an expression of this admiration.
In this exhibition, we will present about 20 of his new works, including mainly works in mineral pigments as well as pencil paintings, which he has resumed after several years.
田岛健太郎 1984 年出生于东京。他毕业于东京芸術大学日本画专业,毕业后主要在画廊展出作品,没有加入任何艺术家协会。
在此次展览中,我们将展出他的约 20 件新作品,其中主要包括矿物颜料作品以及他时隔多年重新创作的铅笔画。
田嶋健太郎 Kentaro Tajima
1984年 東京生まれ
2011年 東京藝術大学絵画科日本画専攻卒業
2016,17,18年 白銅鞮画廊 個展
2017,19年 大塚美術 個展
2018,20年 阿曾美術 個展
2021年 グループ展「小像 −古代と現代」(青花の会骨董祭2021大塚美術ブース)
2022年 阿曾美術 個展
田嶋健太郎 個展
11:00−18:00 会期中無休、最終日17時閉場