川端 実 (1911-2001)
川端実は、祖父は円山派の巨匠川端玉章、父茂章も日本画家という芸術一家に育った。東京美術学校油画科では藤島武二に師事。58年に渡米、ニューヨークに活動拠点移す。抽象表現主義の推進者となってジャクソン・ポロックなど数々の作家を世に送り出した画商ベティ・パーソンズに才能を見出され、ギャラリーにて60年に初個展を開催。同画廊では81年までに11回の個展を重ね、ニューヨーク・スクールと呼ばれた芸術家たちと共に活動した。キュビスム的表現に始まった50年代の画風を経て、渡米後の60年代は即興的なストロークを生かした作風を確立する。その後再び形への関心を深め、パステルカラーや色数を抑えたオールオーヴァーな作品群、"Form in~(~色のフォルム)"や"Form Unity(統一体)"シリーズへと展開。80年代以降はエッジの効いた色と直線的な画面構成が特徴的な“長方形”や“門”“ローブ”のシリーズを発表し、晩年まで充実した作品を残した。
Minoru KAWABATA (1911-2001)
Kawabata Minoru was born into a family of artists: his grandfather, Kawabata Gyokushō, was a master painter of the Maruyama School, while his father Moshō was a Nihonga painter. He studied in the Oil Painting department at the Tokyo School of Fine Arts under Fujishima Takeji. In 1958, he moved to New York, soon after that, he was discovered by Betty Parsons, the same art dealer who had introduced Jackson Pollock-a central figure in the abstract expressionist movement-to the world. Kawabata had his first solo show at her gallery in 1960, and his solo show there had been held eleven times until 1981. In this way, Kawabata joined the ranks of the avant-garde artists who would go on to be called the “New York School”
After the cubism-like expression of the 50’s, he created completely spontaneous brush strokes Through the 1960s. Later, attention to form again became remarkable, he created his Form in and Form Unity series in the 1970s. After that, it expanded to the series of Image rectangle, Gate and Robe series, which features edgy color and linear screen composition, and left a number of fulfilling works in his later years.
Kawabata had been seeking originality as an oriental while sympathized the art movement of the day, such as abstract expressionism and color field painting. Its characteristic surface formed from the unique brushwork, suggestive of calligraphy techniques, and vivid color has been globally acclaimed to the present day.
- 2023. 01 / 27
- 2021. 06 / 25
川端実作品展示中「STEP AHEAD」展@…
- 2020. 10 / 30
作品集刊行記念「川端実 Form Full…
- 2020. 08 / 25
- 2019. 02 / 27
- 2019. 02 / 15
- 2019. 02 / 06
- 2019. 02 / 02
Betty Parsons
- 2019. 01 / 23
- 2019. 01 / 21
- 2019. 01 / 16
- 2019. 01 / 12
- 2019. 01 / 10
- 2019. 01 / 09
ニューヨークの川端実 原田治
- 1911
- 東京・小石川に生まれる。父は日本画家川端茂章。円山派の川端玉章は祖父にあたる。
- 1934
- 東京美術学校油画学科を卒業。
- 1939
- フランス、イタリア、ニューヨークに滞在。
- 1942
- 滞欧作個展(銀座三越)。左分賞受賞。
- 1950
- 多摩美術大学教授となる。
- 1951
- 個展(銀座資生堂)。第3回アンデパンダン展、第1回サンパウロ・ビエンナーレに出品。
- 1953
- 吉原治良、村井正誠、山口長男らと日本アブストラクト・アート・クラブを結成。メンバーとなる。
- 1955
- 第18回国際水彩画ビエンナーレ(ブルックリン美術館)に岡本太郎、村井正誠、桂ユキ、草間彌生らと出品。
- 1956
- 個展(銀座松屋)。世界・今日の美術展(日本橋三越)に出展。
- 1958
- 個展(銀座松屋)。渡米。グッゲンハイム国際展にて個人表彰名誉賞受賞。ピッツバーグ国際現代絵画彫刻展に出品。
- 1959
- 第5回サンパウロ・ビエンナーレにて受賞。第11回プレミオ・リソーネ国際美術展(ミラノ)にて名誉賞受賞。ニューヨーク・ニュースクール・フォー・ソーシャル・リサーチの絵画部教授となる。
- 1960
- 個展(NY、ベティ・パーソンズ画廊/~81’ 開催11回)グッゲンハイム国際展に出品。日本人の抽象画家展に(ワシントン・グレスギャラリー)に岡田謙三、桂ユキ、草間彌生、山口長男、オノサト・トシノブと共に出品。
- 1961
- 個展(ミラノ、アポリネール画廊)。第12回プレミオ・リソーネ国際美術展、カーネギー国際展、グッゲンハイム国際展に出品。
- 1962
- 4人のアメリカの画家たち展(ロンドン、モルトン画廊)、現代絵画展(エール大学附属美術館)、ベニス・ビエンナーレ展、グッゲンハイム国際展などに出品。
- 1963
- 個展(銀座、東京画廊)。第7回日本国際美術展にてブリヂストン美術館賞受賞。美術の新しい実験展(デ・コルドバ美術館)、レビュー・オブ・ザ・シーズン展、グッゲンハイム国際展、コロラド大学美術展などに出品。
- 1965
- 在外日本作家展・ヨーロッパとアメリカ(東京国立近代美術館)、現代日本の絵画・彫刻展(サンフランシスコ美術館・ニューヨーク近代美術館)などに出品。
- 1966
- 近代日本洋画の150年展(神奈川県立近代美術館)、国際展(ローザンヌ・ギャラリーパイロット)、コロラド大学美術展に出品。
- 1969
- 現代絵画・彫刻展(ロードアイランド、ブリストル美術館)、フィリップ・コレクション展に出品
- 1973
- アメリカの日本作家展(京都国立近代美術館、東京国立近代美術館)、戦後美術の展開-抽象表現の多様化-展(東京国立近代美術館)に出品。
- 1974
- 個展(NY、エヴァーソン美術館)が開催され、1972-73年の作品17点を展観する。
- 1975
- 個展(神奈川県立近代美術館)が開催され、作品80点、デッサン59点を展観する。
- 1978
- 個展(東京画廊)。
- 1983
- 個展(銀座、東京画廊)。個展(NY ジャックティルトン画廊/~94’ 開催6回)。グループ展(ロンドン、アンリ・ジュダ画廊)。
- 1992
- 「在米35年 孤高の軌跡 川端実」展(京都国立近代美術館、大原美術館)が開催される。
- 1997
- 個展(銀座、東京画廊)。
- 2001
- 6月29日逝去。
- 2009
- 目黒区碑文谷にギャラリーMが開廊。
- 2011
- 生誕100年川端実展 東京―ニューヨーク(横須賀美術館)が開催される。
- 2019
- 川端実:The 1950s-70s / Colorfield+Brushwork(大塚美術、アートフェア東京2019)
- 1911
- Born in Tokyo, Japan. His father, Shigeaki Kawabata, is a Japanese painter. His grandfather, Gyokusho Kawabata, is a member of the Maruyama School.
- 1934
- Graduated from Tokyo School of Fine Arts, Japan.
- 1939
- Studied in Paris, Italy and New York.
- 1942
- Held one-man-exhibition in the Mitsukoshi Ginza and then received a prize of Sabun.
- 1950
- Became a professor of Art at Tama Art University, Tokyo.
- 1951
- Exhibited works in The 3rd Salon des Indépendants and The 1st São Paulo Art Biennial. Held one-man-exhibition in the Shiseido Gallery.
- 1953
- Formed “The Japan Abstraction Art Club” with Jiro Yoshiwara, Masanari Murai and Takeo Yamaguchi, then joined it.
- 1955
- Exhibited works in the 18th International Watercolor Biennale (The Brooklyn Museum, New York) with Taro Okamoto, Masanari Murai, Yuki Katsura and Yayoi Kusama.
- 1956
- Held one-man-exhibition at the Matsuya Ginza. Exhibited works in “Exhibition of Contemporary Art in the World” (Takashimaya, Tokyo)
- 1958
- Left Japan for United States. Received an individual honor prize of The 2nd Guggenheim International Contemporary Art Exhibition of Japan. Exhibited works in The Pittsburgh International Contemporary Painting and Sculpture. Held one-man-exhibition at the Matsuya Ginza.
- 1959
- Received a prize in the 5th São Paulo Art Biennial. Received an honor prize of the 11th Premio Lissone (Milano) . Became a professor at the New School for Social Research, New York.
- 1960
- Exhibited works in The Guggenheim International. Exhibited works in The Japanese Abstract Paintings (The Gres Gallery, Washington, D.C.) with Kenzo Okada, Yuki Katsura, Yayoi Kusama, Takeo Yamaguchi and Toshinobu Onosato. Held one-man-exhibition at the Betty Parsons Gallery, NewYork. (10 times until 1982.)
- 1961
- Held one-man-exhibition at the Apollinaire Gallery, Milano. Exhibited works in the 12th Premio Lissone, the Carnegie International and the Guggenheim international.
- 1962
- Exhibited works in “The Four Painters in the U.S.” (The Molton Gallery, London), “The Contemporary Paintings” (Yale University Art Gallery), the Venice Biennale Exhibition and the Guggenheim International.
- 1963
- Received a prize of Bridgestone Museum of Art at the 7th Japan International Art Exhibition. Exhibited works in The New Experiments in Art (The Cordoba Museum of Fine Arts), The Review of the Season, The Guggenheim International “and The University of Colorado Art Exhibition. Held one-man-exhibition at Tokyo Gallery.
- 1965
- Exhibited works in “The Japanese Artists in Europe and the U.S.” (the National Museum of Modern Art, Kanagawa) , “The New Japanese painting and Sculpture” (San Francisco Museum of Art and The Museum of Modern Art, New York.
- 1966
- Exhibited works in “The 150 years of Modern Japanese European Paintings” (The Museum of Modern Art , Kanagawa), “The international Exhibition” (Pilot Galleries, Lausanne) and The University of Colorado Art Exhibition.
- 1969
- Exhibited works in the Contemporary Painting and Sculpture (The Bristol Art Museum, Rhode Island), the Phillips Collection Exhibition (Washington, D.C.).
- 1973
- Exhibited works in The Japanese Artists in U.S.A. (The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto & Tokyo, Japan) and The Development of Postwar Japanese Art: Abstract and Non-figurative (The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, Japan)
- 1974
- Held one-man-exhibition at the Everson Museum, New York.
- 1975
- Held one-man- exhibition at the National Museum of Modern Art in Kanagawa and exhibited 80 works and 59 drawings.
- 1978
- Held one-man-exhibition at Tokyo Gallery., Tokyo.
- 1983
- Group Exhibition at the Annely Juda Gallery in London. Held one-man-exhibition in the Tokyo Gallery and the Jack Tilton Gallery (New York)
- 1992
- The exhibition of “Minoru Kawabata Proudly Independent Tracks 35 years in the U.S.”
- 1997
- Held one-man-exhibition at Tokyo Gallery, Tokyo.
- 2001
- Passed away on June 29th.
- 2009
- The Gallery M opened in Tokyo.
- 2011
- Held the Exhibition of Minoru Kawabata at Yokosuka Museum of Art, Kanagawa.
- 2019
- The exhibition of “Minoru Kawabata:The 1950s-70s / Colorfield+Brushwork” at Otsuka Fine Art(Art Fair Tokyo 2019)
大原美術館 / Ohara Museum of Art, Okayama.
神奈川県立近代美術館 / The National Modern Museum of Art, Kanagawa.
京都国立近代美術館 / The National Modern Museum of Art, Kyoto.
岐阜県立美術館 / The Museum of Fine Arts, Gifu.
高松市美術館 / Takamatsu Art Museum, Kagawa.
東京国立近代美術館 / The National Modern Museum of Art, Tokyo.
横須賀美術館 / Yokosuka Museum of Modern Art, Kanagawa.
横浜美術館 / Yokohama Museum of Modern Art, Kanagawa.
アーティゾン美術館 / Artizon Museum, Tokyo.
The Modern Art Museum of Modern Art, Sao Paulo
Museo Premio Lissone, Milano
Wesleyan University, Elder Gallery, Middletown, CT.
Chemical Bank, NY.
Chase Manhattan Bank, NY.
Japan Airline, NY.
American Tobacco Company
Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Baffalo, NY.
New York Bank for Savings, NY.
Everson Museum, NY.
Guggenheim Museum, NY.
Newark Museum, NJ.
Jetro, NY.

1958年グッゲンハイム国際展にて、山口長男の作品と。/1958 Guggenheim International, with the work of Takeo Yamaguchi.

岡田謙三、草間彌生、桂ユキと共に/ Kenzo Okada, Yayoi Kusama, Yuki Katsura, Minoru Kawabata, circa 1960.

アトリエにて/In his atelier.

ロックフェラー夫人、ベティー・パーソンズと/Photograph with Mrs. Rockefeller and Betty Persons.

ベティー・パーソンズ女史、自身のギャラリーにて川端実、エルスワース・ケリー、岡田謙三、シーモア・リプトン、リチャード・パウセット=ダートの作品と共に/Betty Persons in her gallery. With the works of Minoru Kawabata, Ellsworth Kelly, Kenzo Okada, Seymour Lipton, Richard Pousette-Dart.

アトリエにて/In his atelier.